Jonathan F Moravek, MD

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  Jonathan F  Moravek, MD

Jonathan F Moravek, MD

Neurology (Board Certified)

Where are the ratings?

Only Nebraska Medicine employed providers receive star ratings.


  • Medical School
    UNMC College of Medicine, 2000
  • Internship
    Saint Joseph Mercy Hospital, 2001
  • Residency
    Neurology, University of New Mexico, 2004
  • Fellowship
    Neuromuscular, University of New Mexico, 2005


  • Dural Sinus Thrombosis. Grand Rounds. UNMHSC, 2004
  • Adair J, Ruiz S, Moravek J, Knoefel J. “Cognitive Awareness in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).” Poster Presentation. AAN 56th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2004
  • Layout and publication of the Neurology Residency Recruitment Brochure. UNMHSC, 2003, 2004
  • Designer and Webmaster, Student Web Page. UNMC, 1997-2000
  • Co-editor-in-chief, Student-to-Student Handbook. UNMC, 1997
  • Dong Q, Barsky D, Colvin M, Melius C, Luderman S, Moravek J, Colvin M, Bigner D,  Modrich P, Friedman H. “A structural basis for a phosphoramide mustard-induced DNA interstrand cross-link at 5’-d(GAC).” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92: 12170-12174, 1995

Insurance and Coverage

Please call the office to verify insurance coverage.

Licensed to practice medicine in: Nebraska

This provider has met the requirements to practice medicine in these states. To schedule a telehealth visit with this provider, you must be physically located within one of these states.