Troy S Wildes, MD

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  Troy S  Wildes, MD

Troy S Wildes, MD

Anesthesiology (Board Certified)

Nebraska Medicine Employed Physician

Anesthesiology at Bennett Hall
4204 Emile St.
Omaha, NE
Where are the ratings?

Only Nebraska Medicine employed providers who see patients in a clinic setting receive star ratings.


Anesthesiology at Bennett Hall
4204 Emile St.
Omaha, NE


  • Medical School
    Washington University School of Medicine, 2002
  • Internship
    Saint John's Mercy Medical Center, 2003
  • Residency
    Anesthesiology, Washington University School of Medicine, 2006
  • Fellowship
    Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology, Washington University School of Medicine, 2007

Insurance and Coverage

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Licensed to practice medicine in: Nebraska

This provider has met the requirements to practice medicine in these states. To schedule a telehealth visit with this provider, you must be physically located within one of these states.