Pierre B Fayad, MD
Neurology (Board Certified)
Nebraska Medicine Employed Physician
Omaha NE 68131
Omaha NE 68131
Medical School
Universita Degli Studi Di Roma-La Sapienza, 1983
Urology, Universita Degli Studi Di Roma-La Sapienza, 1984
Millard Fillmore Health System, 1985
SUNY University at Buffalo, 1986
Neurology, SUNY University at Buffalo, 1989
Vascular Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine, 1991
See publications for Pierre Fayad, MD
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Dr. Fayad's interests include: ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, acute stroke treatment, stroke prevention, pregnancy and stroke, high risk obstetrics and stroke, heart disease and stroke, atrial fibrillation, carotid surgery and stenting, carotid and vertebral dissection, brain vascular malformations, brain aneurysms and brain vasculitis.
Insurance and Coverage
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Licensed to practice medicine in: Iowa; Nebraska
This provider has met the requirements to practice medicine in these states. To schedule a telehealth visit with this provider, you must be physically located within one of these states.