Christina L Dunbar Matos, DO

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  Christina L  Dunbar Matos, DO

Christina L Dunbar Matos, DO

Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology (Board Certified)

Nebraska Medicine Employed Physician

5 out of 5 (40 Ratings, 6 Comments)
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  • Medical School
    West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, 2008
  • Residency
    Internal Medicine, Lehigh Valley Hospital Center, 2011
  • Fellowship
    Cardiovascular Disease, Lehigh Valley Hospital Center, 2014
  • Fellowship
    Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology, University of Louisville, 2017


Advanced heart failure (mechanical circulatory support and transplant). Also, cardiac disease in Women (an often under-represented population) 

How did you fall in love with your field?

I initially pursued a career in Exercise Physiology/Public Health however, found the pathophysiology of heart disease so interesting. After working for a short time in the Public Health arena I decided to follow my interest and enrolled into medical school. I am often asked "when did you know you wanted to do cardiology?". I reply "After my first cardiology lecture in medical school - the physiology of cardiology was far more interesting to me than other human organ system". While in General Cardiology Fellowship I was exposed to the field of Advanced Heart Failure and I was hooked - and here I am today. 

Things people should know about me

  • I love football! I am a die hard West Virginia University Football fan as well as Dallas Cowboy fan (sorry, not a KC Chief fan 🙂)
  • I am a coal miner's daughter! My dad was the greatest human I have ever known and helped me get to where I am today
  • My passion in life is Animal Rescue/Animal Rights. Most of my time (outside of work) is dedicated to this. My life's dream is to open a "Rescue Farm" for all types of animals and spend my life caring for them and increasing awareness to the plights of animals everywhere. I have 2 dogs (Damsel and Nadia) and 2 cats (Christmas and Reagan)
  • I am married to a fellow physician (Mike Matos) - Trauma Surgery/Acute Care Surgery and have been married for 10 years.

Insurance and Coverage

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Licensed to practice medicine in: Nebraska

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Patient Ratings & Comments

Friendliness/courtesy of the care provider
5 out of 5
Degree to which care provider talked with you using words you could understand
5 out of 5
Concern the care provider showed for your questions or worries
4.9 out of 5
Likelihood of your recommending this care provider to others
5 out of 5