Clinical Trial Details

A Randomized Phase II Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy and 5FU/capecitabine with and without Zometa in Patients with Locally Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Cancer

Categories (click each to see list of all clinical trials associated with that category): GI (ONC), Radiation Oncology (RADONC)

Current Status: Open

Phase: II (Cancer Control)

Principal Investigator: Lin, Chi

Contact Information:
Amanda Fulton


PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: I. To evaluate the efficacy of hypofractionated radiation therapy concurrently with zoledronic acid (Zometa) and fluorouracil (5Fu) or capecitabine. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: I. To examine the toxicity of Zometa while it is used concurrently with hypofractionated radiation therapy. II. To evaluate local failure-free survival and overall survival, surgical resection rate and tumor response rate.