James M Shehan, MD

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  James M  Shehan, MD

James M Shehan, MD

Dermatology (Board Certified)

Advanced Dermatology of the Midlands PC
12910 Pierce St Ste 120
Omaha, NE 68144
Advanced Dermatology of the Midlands PC
928 Valley View Dr Ste 10
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Advanced Dermatology of the Midlands PC
2301 Eastern Ave.
Red Oak, IA 51566
Where are the ratings?

Only Nebraska Medicine employed providers receive star ratings.


Advanced Dermatology of the Midlands PC
12910 Pierce St Ste 120
Omaha, NE 68144
Advanced Dermatology of the Midlands PC
928 Valley View Dr Ste 10
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Advanced Dermatology of the Midlands PC
2301 Eastern Ave.
Red Oak, IA 51566


  • Medical School
    CUMC School of Medicine, 2000
  • Residency
    Internal Medicine, CUMC School of Medicine, 2001
  • Residency
    Dermatology, Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, 2004

Insurance and Coverage

Please call the office to verify insurance coverage.

Licensed to practice medicine in: Iowa; Nebraska

This provider has met the requirements to practice medicine in these states. To schedule a telehealth visit with this provider, you must be physically located within one of these states.