Britt A Thedinger, MD

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  Britt A  Thedinger, MD

Britt A Thedinger, MD

Otolaryngology (Board Certified)

Ear Specialists of Omaha
9202 W Dodge Rd Ste 200
Omaha, NE 68114
Ear Specialists of Omaha
3512 Sampson Way Ste 130
Bellevue, NE 68123
Where are the ratings?

Only Nebraska Medicine employed providers receive star ratings.


Ear Specialists of Omaha
9202 W Dodge Rd Ste 200
Omaha, NE 68114
Ear Specialists of Omaha
3512 Sampson Way Ste 130
Bellevue, NE 68123

Can perform surgeries at: Nebraska Medical Center.


  • Medical School
    University of Kansas School of Medicine, 1984
  • Internship
    Saint Lukes Hospital, 1985
  • Residency
    Otolaryngology-Head And Neck Surgery, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary-Harvard University, 1989
  • Fellowship
    Otology/Neurotology, The Otology Group, 1990

Insurance and Coverage

Please call the office to verify insurance coverage.

Licensed to practice medicine in: Nebraska

This provider has met the requirements to practice medicine in these states. To schedule a telehealth visit with this provider, you must be physically located within one of these states.