Clinical Trial Details

FT819 in Subjects With B-cell Malignancies

Categories (click each to see list of all clinical trials associated with that category): Cellular Therapy Support Service - CAR-T (ONC), Lymphoma/CLL (ONC)

Current Status: Open

Phase: I (Cancer Control)

Principal Investigator: D'Angelo, Christopher


Primary: To determine the RP2D for FT819 Secondary: To evaluate the safety and tolerability of FT819 To evaluate the anti-tumor activity of FT819 To characterize the PK of FT819 Exploratory: For subjects with BCL, to evaluate the anti-tumor activity of FT819 To assess the association of PK and pharmacodynamics of FT819 with safety and anti-tumor activity To assess the association of clinical and tumor characteristics with safety and anti-tumor activity of FT819 For subjects with B-ALL, to evaluate MRD status following treatment with FT819