Clinical Trial Details

ARST2031 A Randomized Phase 3 Trial of Vinorelbine, Dactinomycin, and Cyclophosphamide (VINO-AC) Plus Maintenance Chemotherapy with Vinorelbine and Oral Cyclophosphamide (VINO-CPO) vs Vincristine, Dactinomycin and Cyclophosphamide (VAC) plus VINO-CPO Maintenance in Patients with High Risk Rhabdomyosarcoma (HR-RMS)

Categories (click each to see list of all clinical trials associated with that category): Pediatric (PEDONC)

Current Status: Open

Phase: III (Cancer Control)

Principal Investigator: Beck, Jill


PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: I. To compare event-free survival (EFS) of patients with high-risk rhabdomyosarcoma (HR-RMS) treated with vinorelbine, dactinomycin and cyclophosphamide (VINO AC) followed by 24 weeks of vinorelbine and oral cyclophosphamide (VINO-CPO) maintenance therapy to that of patients treated with vincristine, dactinomycin and cyclophosphamide (VAC) followed by 24 weeks of VINO-CPO maintenance therapy.