Uncovering Common Myths about Suntanning, Sunburns and Skin Cancer

There are numerous myths and misconceptions about skin cancer, suntans and sunburns. Skin cancer is the most common of all cancers and its prevalence is increasing. Arming yourself with the proper knowledge may help you reduce your risk. Nebraska Medicine dermatologists shed some truth about some of these common myths. Take this quiz and see how much you know.

The application of sunscreen before going outside will provide me full protection from the sun.
You are still damaging your skin even if you don't burn.
Tanning beds are safer than the sun.
My clothing can help protect me from the sun.
You will only get skin cancer in areas that have been exposed to the sun.
The chemicals in sunscreen can be harmful.
You should get your skin checked for cancer even if you don't see a suspicious lesion.
If I'm going on vacation to a warm weather climate, I should pre-tan to prevent sunburning.