Eyelid surgery: No more droopy or baggy eyes

Published June 27, 2019

Katie Geelan-Hansen, MD

By Katie Geelan-Hansen, MD, Facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon



As cosmetic surgery continues to grow in this country, eyelid surgery in particular rates as one of the most popular procedures to rejuvenate one’s appearance.

Eyelid surgery is most popular among those 50 years of age and older. As part of the natural aging process, the skin will lose elasticity. In the area around the eyes, this can make you appear sad, angry or tired. This can also contribute to saggy skin or puffy bags under the lower eyelids. Eyelid surgery can resolve these issues by removing excess skin, smoothing the bags and tightening the skin around the eye.

Schedule a consultation!
To determine if eyelid surgery is the right for you, please call us at 402.559.5700 for a consultation or visit us at NebraskaMed.com/Face.

Not all eyelid surgery is done to improve appearance and provide a more rested, youthful look. Some people have eyelid surgery for functional reasons. For instance, the excessive skin on the upper eyelid can lead to reduced opening of the eye and interfere with vision. Loose and excessive skin, particularly of the lower eyelid, can contribute to unwanted tearing.

Katie Geelan-Hansen, MD, facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon

When evaluating the area around the eyes, it is important to also consider the eyebrows. If your issue is a droopy eyebrow, this can be addressed as well.

Upper eyelid surgery is typically an outpatient procedure that takes about an hour. This is done with a numbing medication and a relaxing medication, allowing you to return to the comfort of your own home within a few hours. After the numbing medication is applied, excess skin is then removed. The stitches are removed a few days after the procedure during an office visit.

The skin of the eyelids heal very well so there is typically very minimal scarring. You will probably experience swelling for three to five days following surgery, which can be minimized with ice and head elevation.

Surgery on the lower eyelid is performed to resolve bagginess or puffiness under the eyelids. It is also done to tighten drooping skin or lower eyelids that are pulling away from the eye itself. This procedure is performed by making a small incision underneath the eyelashes or along the inside of the eyelid. Bagginess or puffiness can be eliminated by smoothing out any fat present or by removing excess fat underneath the eyes. If needed, the eyelid can be tightened with a small incision near the corner of the eye to allow for the lower eyelid to be replaced closer to the eye.

Eyelid surgery may be covered by insurance if done to assist with eye opening and improvement of vision or if done to reduce the amount of tearing. Otherwise, it is not covered by insurance.

In nearly all cases, eyelid surgery is very successful and patients are very happy with the results. If you are trying to determine if eyelid surgery is for you, come in and talk to us. Your initial consultation is free. We can answer all of your questions and help you determine whether surgery is right for you.