In the United States, about 12 million people between the ages of 15 and 49 rely on birth control pills. While generally safe, as with any medication, certain risks are involved.
Fuchs’ dystrophy is caused by the loss of corneal endothelial cells. In Fuchs' dystrophy, these cells die off more rapidly than normal, leading to fluid buildup and corneal swelling.
Growing a thick beard or mustache isn’t always as simple as putting down the razor. For some, growing facial hair can be challenging, and many wonder why they can’t achieve the desired look.
The popularity of nonalcoholic beer and drinks has exploded. While these beverages can be a good way to reduce your alcohol intake, their efficacy, especially in the lives of those with alcohol use disorder, is complicated.
Although deep brain stimulation can’t cure movement disorders, it can help patients live a more normal, independent and symptom-free life. To learn more about deep brain stimulation for movement disorders, read more.
When it comes to brain health, terms like "stroke" and "aneurysm" can be confusing. Both are serious medical conditions affecting blood vessels in the brain. Neurologist Pierre Fayad, MD, helps break down the differences.
Larry Anderson, 81, saw a dermatologist in Shenandoah, Iowa, for spots on his eyelid that never seemed to go away. Anderson was referred to Nebraska Medicine and says he was dumbfounded by the results of his surgeries.
In recent years, the world has made strides to recognize and treat depression as the serious condition it is. Luckily, health care providers continue to research depression, resulting in new treatments.