Some of the top issues among female athletes include burnout, anxiety and depression. From high pressure to external and internal stressors, perfectionism and inequality, several factors can make them vulnerable.
“I just felt confident the entire time.” That’s how Kristine Hayward describes how she feels about her physician, Sylvia Ziegenbein, MD, and the care team that delivered her second child, Liam, on Jan. 14, who arrived three weeks early.
While thyroid surgery is very safe overall, it does involve removal of adjacent normal thyroid tissue. This means that after surgery, patients have up to a 30% chance of needing to take medication for thyroid hormone function for life.
Jessica Schultze was able to use water birth for her fifth child, despite a previous C-section. Many other hospitals would identify her as a higher-risk pregnancy and exclude her from being a candidate for water birth.
Amyloid is an aggregation of a protein called beta-amyloid that accumulates in the brain of older adults. It's one of the hallmark brain changes in Alzheimer's disease.
A new trend involves people touting nicotine pouches as a way to suppress your appetite and help you lose weight. This new movement has become so popular many have begun referring to such nicotine pouches as “gas station Ozempic®.”
Around 50% of people with diabetes will go on to develop neuropathy, but sometimes its start is barely noticeable. In advanced cases, the loss of sensation may result in balance issues and a higher risk of falls.