Nebraska Medicine provides innovative birthing options for expectant mothers, focusing on safety and comfort. Among these options are vaginal birth after cesarean, or VBAC, and water birth.
At 21 years old, Emily Koesters defies medical expectations. Born with SIOD, a rare genetic condition with a typical life expectancy of nine years, Emily recently achieved another milestone: transitioning from pediatric to adult medical care.
While there are myths and misconceptions surrounding living donations, there are even more good reasons to become an organ donor and make a life-changing difference in someone’s life.
Researchers are investigating whether metformin, a common diabetes medication, could help reduce the risk of developing this painful joint condition after ACL reconstruction surgery.
Two surgeries took place on June 21, 2001, saving one woman's life, profoundly impacting another's and creating an enduring connection between the two.
Nuts and seeds have gotten mixed reviews over the years. Still, increasing evidence shows that nuts are a healthy choice to help improve overall health and potentially lower cancer risk.
Detoxing often involves juice cleanses, food restrictions, fasting or drinking certain teas. While these practices are marketed as ways to cleanse or reset the body, it's important to understand the potential risks.
Navigating pregnancy can sometimes be challenging when healthy, but when cold and flu season hits, you may wonder what medications or remedies are safe for you and your baby.
If you shave with a razor in your private areas, you’ve probably experienced it – little white or red bumps that may linger for a couple of weeks or more. Is this normal and are they cause for concern?