Eleven years old, fighting cancer and dealing with unbearable pain, Neely Lucquete told her parents she was going to die. And all she wanted was her cat.
Question: I’ve been dealing with hemorrhoids for over two years. They never go away and only seem to be getting worse. Is it possible that it could be anal cancer? Answered by colon and rectal surgeon Matthew Fuglestad, MD.
For many of us, drinking is an expected part of holidays and social gatherings. However, overindulging on these occasions can lead to risky drinking behaviors that harm your health and safety.
Excessive alcohol consumption can have a wide range of harmful effects on your health. But how much is too much alcohol to increase your risk for serious health conditions?
A gastroenterologist commonly helps patients manage two bowel conditions: irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, and inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD. Each of these affects the bowels but does so in different manners. The two disorders can share similar symptoms, leading to challenges in diagnosis in some instances.
A new clinical trial is testing a certain prebiotic’s effect on shifting the composition and function of the gut microbiome in a beneficial way. Researchers aim to produce a treatment that will work alongside conventional therapies to enhance gut barrier function and reduce inflammation to prevent the recurrence of inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD.
What is the best diet for diverticulitis? Diverticulitis is an inflammatory condition that occurs in the large intestine. It develops when pouches, called diverticula, become inflamed or infected by bacteria. Since diverticulitis is an inflammatory condition, you should avoid foods that require extra effort to digest.
The acronym FODMAP stands for: fermentable; oligosaccharides (fructans, galacto-oligosaccharides); disaccharides (lactose, milk sugars); monosaccarides (excess fructose); and polyols (sugar alcohols like mannitol and sorbitol). FODMAPs are found in everyday foods we eat. A group of small chain carbohydrates, these sugar and fibers may not be adequately absorbed in the small intestines of certain people.