Cancer treatment can significantly impact your skin, causing changes that affect comfort and appearance. While these side effects can be concerning, most are manageable with proper care and medical support.
Growing a thick beard or mustache isn’t always as simple as putting down the razor. For some, growing facial hair can be challenging, and many wonder why they can’t achieve the desired look.
If you’re someone who deals with excessive sweating, you can relate to the irritation (and often embarrassment) of living with it. We asked Max Regester, a fourth-year UNMC student, to address our questions.
If you shave with a razor in your private areas, you’ve probably experienced it – little white or red bumps that may linger for a couple of weeks or more. Is this normal and are they cause for concern?
Jock itch is a common fungal infection. Typically, jock itch occurs in areas like the groin or inner thighs, appearing as an itchy, scaly rash that can also become cracked or develop bumps.
Question: Are people with skin of color less likely to get skin cancer than those with fairer skin because they have more melanin? Answer from Vanessa Voss, MD, dermatologist.
Larry Anderson, 81, saw a dermatologist in Shenandoah, Iowa, for spots on his eyelid that never seemed to go away. Anderson was referred to Nebraska Medicine and says he was dumbfounded by the results of his surgeries.
Washing and sanitizing your hands is essential to healthy hygiene and preventing bacteria and viruses from spreading. Unfortunately, cleansing your skin repeatedly dries the skin and degrades its natural protective properties.
Practicing good skin care habits is important not only to keep your skin looking healthy, but to delay aging and to help prevent skin problems. Follow these tips to help promote healthy skin.