We Ask Because We Care

We Ask Because We Care is a way for our patients to tell us about themselves. We are asking more detailed questions to help us meet the needs of all our patients.

As a Nebraska Medicine patient, you will be asked questions about your race, ethnic background and preferred language. This information helps us improve our patients’ quality of care and reduce health care disparities in our community. 

It is your choice to provide this information. What you share is private and protected by law.

Your answers give us more data about our diverse patient population. Collecting this vital data allows us to:

  • Better track diseases and conditions across different racial and ethnic groups.
  • Remove barriers that may impact a patient’s ability to access care.
  • Identify patterns, allocate appropriate resources and develop targeted interventions where needed.
  • Improve the quality of care and reduce health care disparities experienced by specific communities.

Frequently asked questions

What does health care disparity (inequality) mean?

Disparity is a difference between groups in how they access, experience or receive health care. The things that influence health care disparities include social, economic and environmental factors.

Why is it important to understand that some people are more affected by health disparity than others?

People with the same health condition may have differences in their health care experiences based on race, ethnicity, preferred language, gender, sexual orientation, social class, age, education or location of residence. These differences in experiences do not have to happen. Our goal is to reduce health care disparity in our community and ensure each patient’s individual health care needs are met.

I’ve been a Nebraska Medicine patient for years. Don’t you have this information already?

We may have the information already, but in some instances we do not, or the information is inaccurate. We want to make sure we have the correct information for everyone to ensure that all our patients get the best quality of care regardless of race, ethnicity or primary language.

Who will see this information? How will it be shared?

This information is confidential and protected by HIPAA law. We limit access to patient information, including race and ethnicity. We only use the information if it is needed to provide care or services.

Do I have to answer the questions?

You don’t have to answer the questions, but we strongly encourage each of our patients to do so. This information helps us meet your needs and provide you with the best care possible.

When will I be asked to share this information?

When you check in for an appointment, you may be asked to confirm or update your race, ethnicity and preferred language. You can also update this information during your appointment with your provider or at any time using the Nebraska Medicine app.

How can I update this information on my own?

To update your information, log in to the Nebraska Medicine app and do the following:

  1. Select the gear icon in the top right corner.
  2. Select Personal Information.
  3. Scroll down to Details About Me and select Edit.
  4. Provide your race, ethnicity, language and any other information you want to share.
  5. Select Save Changes.

You can also update your information from a browser using the One Chart | Patient web portal.

  1. Select Your Menu in the top left corner.
  2. Scroll down to the Account Settings section and select Personal Information.
  3. Select Edit in the Details About Me section.
  4. Provide your race, ethnicity, language and any other information you would like to share.
  5. Select Save Changes