Clinical Trial Details

Phase II Study of Olaparib in Men with High-Risk Biochemically-Recurrent Prostate Cancer Following Radical Prostatectomy, with Integrated Biomarker Analysis

Categories (click each to see list of all clinical trials associated with that category): GU (ONC)

Current Status: Open

Phase: II (Cancer Control)

Principal Investigator: Teply, Benjamin

Contact Information:
Jamie Willms
+1 402-559-8649


Olaparib has demonstrated preliminary efficacy in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. In a trial of 49 evaluable patients treated with olaparib, 11 / 49 experienced a PSA response, and every patient with a radiographic response also had a PSA5 response. Ten of 11 responders had mutations in DNA repair genes. While PARP inhibition is showing promise in these initial studies, reserving its use for end-stage patients may not be the optimal timing for olaparib therapy in some patients. In addition, PARP enzymes function in roles beyond DNA repair, and specifically for prostate cancer are involved transcriptional regulation of the androgen receptor. PARP inhibition has not been tested in earlier disease states for prostate cancer.